Help me build great stuff! V2 is nearing completion – faster, less API calls, more fixes for bugs in Blockscout and flaky PulseX responses., auto updating magic…  to that I want to add more reliable price feeds and wallet balances, which will entail building out more backend services. AND I want to build more tools like the RPC SoeedTest and the Gas Tracker Chrome extension.  To do this i need to rely less on client work, and donations from users seems like the easiest way of making this happen – so please – help me build cool shit –  0x5e65d576e89de1d7328CaDF664746cF68968A2C2

This is a beta.

First use – this will report all tokens, including those that are pre-fork and have no value. The first time you use it take a moment to hide old tokens.


Before sending me a DM or reporting it on telegram please check below:

A token doesn’t appear, or the balance is incorrect – scan.pulsechain is currently slow detecting when you’ve purchased a new token (but it’s OK when a token balance is changed). Check to see if it lists your token and balance correctly.

The price (per token) is incorrect – as you’ve seen when trading using PulseX the estimated value can be wildly incorrect, but usually only temporarily. Give it 10 minutes to correct.

Not all my LPs are listed – currently we recognise Uniswap v2 style LPs (PulseX v1, v2, 9mm, 9in, Dextop). V3 and Balancer style pools might be supported in the future, maybe as a paid option. 

Bugs and Feature Requests:


Address Block No.
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Contracts Deployed


Address Trans. # Block No. Block # Symbol Name Supply Dec.