Help me build great stuff! V2 is nearing completion – faster, less API calls, more fixes for bugs in Blockscout and flaky PulseX responses., auto updating magic…  to that I want to add more reliable price feeds and wallet balances, which will entail building out more backend services. AND I want to build more tools like the RPC SoeedTest and the Gas Tracker Chrome extension.  To do this i need to rely less on client work, and donations from users seems like the easiest way of making this happen – so please – help me build cool shit –  0x5e65d576e89de1d7328CaDF664746cF68968A2C2

Pulsechain RPC Speedtest

Check which RPC is fastest from your location.
The test makes 20 requests to each server, with each request containing a batch of 5 eth_getBlockByNumber requests for random block numbers to ensure requests aren't cached.
These results cannot be directly compared to because we are asking the node to do more work.
To add your local node without https - click the icon next to the page url -> Site Settings -> Insecure Content -> Allow
Node URL min(ms) max(ms) avg(ms)